Desperate English Housewife in Washington, chapter 53

Ooooh, it’s the ELECTION!

Everybody’s talking about it. It’s a close run thing etc etc.

I can’t help it, I have a bit of love for Obama. The man killed a fly (that was bothering him in an interview) with his bare hands, for God’s sake. Actually, it was with his fingers, which is even more impressive. And his wife is a fashion goddess, who rocks purple. Not many people rock purple. And he is really only known as Obama, which, much like Prince or Madonna, means he is pretty much amazeballs.

There are endless campaigning adverts (commercials) on the radio endorsing one or the other candidate. Romney is anti-abortion rights, not too keen on women choosing their own contraception, but apparently found another man’s daughter when she had been out clubbing (underage). This is an intriguing story. The legend goes that this guy called Robert Gay realised his 14 year old daughter was missing after she attended a rave (parenting issues there, Robert).

So his buddy Mitt stepped in and closed his Boston firm for a few days and all his staff headed to New York to find the wayward Melissa. They found her, but it does not say whether or not she was on one massive drug-related come down or in bed with a very naughty older man, because the story stops there.

To be honest, they should really finish that story, because no details of what Melissa actually did, how they gave her a right royal bollocking (and I am totally sure they did), what her punishment was, or what she’s up to now have ever been released as far as I am aware.

So that’s what really interests me – Melissa Gay, which means the commercial didn’t really work, because although I think, ‘oh what a super, lovely thing to do’ about Mitt, I also have many questions and they are not about his election campaign. These are my questions:

– how did they afford to shut the company? 

– where did everyone stay?

– what was Melissa doing during the manhunt?

– how did the Gay’s change their parenting approach?

– when is the made-for TV movie coming out?


Schools are shut – a lot

Yep, the bloody schools are closed (again) for the election. 

I swear Harry has only had one full week at school. There have been family fun days, hurricanes, teacher training, teacher reports, blah blah blah. Just give the boy an education!

Egg white

Have I mentioned that you can buy egg white in a carton? It’s the most amazing thing, and prevents that ever-present worry that some of the yolk will fall into your egg white omelette. Hurrah, no such worry for me anymore.

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